Our Services

An overview of the services you offer and how they will benefit the visitor.

WordPress Management

You've got your WordPress site. But did you know there are some things to do to keep it running properly? We can help you with that. Our management services primarily focus on the professional maintenance of updates and making backups.

Downtime for your website is bad for business and bad for your search engine rankings. Lack of a proper disaster recovery system can be fatal.

From 20 euro a month we offer:

Daily Backups - unlike our competitors who may backup to the same host, places in the same building or data center, or with the same service provider, we back up to storage physically here at The Byte Wizards HQ. This means that whatever circumstances affect your website hosting provider, your backup is always available. We make incremental backups for disaster recovery for the last 90 days.

Updates - updating your site is important for security. But it can also cause problems. Imagine your site has 10 plugins. You could turn on auto-updates to keep the plugins up to date. Plugins can do anything with your site, including break it. So that's 10 developers with no familiarity of your site, what other plugins are running, unable to predict the interactions between them, who at any time can break your site. It's better than never updating at all, but it's not great. That's why professionals do it differently. We run a backup of your site before allowing any updates to progress, then we manually update the plugins.

Error Messages - silences many error messages (for example, for issues with plugins) so that your end users don't see them. But it is sometimes important to know there's a problem before it gets worse. We monitor the error messages your site receives, assess them, and where necessary we'll look for solutions and submit them to plugin developers to increase the reliability of your site.

Website Development

Do you need a new website? Ask us! We work with WordPress and create modern, functional, websites that are tailored to your specific needs. We truly understand code. If you have specific requirements, we can tailor WordPress in almost any way you can imagine. Custom features are written using plugins so that you can be sure you have a standard and easy to use, system.

For website development we charge by the hour, with prices from 120 euro per hour.

PHP Development

Do you already have a website but you just wish it would do that one extra thing? Or is there some code that you have that doesn't quite work?
We've got you covered. Our experts can produce, work on, or fix, just about anything (in the PHP programming language).

For PHP Development we charge by the hour, with prices from 120 euro per hour.


You have a (preferably) WordPress website but there are problems. Are there error messages, a white screen of death? Have hackers corrupted your content? We're experts with WordPress, we can almost certainly help and get your site functioning properly once again. Get in touch.

For Troubleshooting we charge by the hour, with prices from 120 euro per hour.

Technical SEO

Ranking well in search engines is important for many businesses and websites. What we do for SEO is a little different - we call it technical SEO. Whilst things like good links are important - any agency can do that. We exclusively focus on the more coding and functionality aspects of SEO - we call it Technical SEO.

We'll work with you or your agency/link builder to make sure your site is delivering pages optimally to the search engines so they know that your site is a good, fast, and reliable site that they can send their visitors to.

For Technical SEO we charge by the hour, with prices from 120 euro per hour.